Open to members of all 12 Step or other recovery programs, friends, and family.
“There is a direct linkage among self-examination, meditation and prayer. Taken separately these practices can bring much relief and benefit. But when they are logically related and interwoven, the result is an unshakable foundation for life.” (Pg 98, 12 &12)
Join us for our 5th annual weekend of contemplation and practice focused on the 11th step. This year we are very excited to be able to offer an additional day of retreat to be able to deepen our practice.
Our retreat will begin on Thursday evening and we will spend our time in the peaceful, contemplative environment of Mercy Center Auburn cultivating the tools of mindfulness to support our recovery. The retreat will include meetings, instruction and practice in sitting and walking meditation, as well as talks and discussion explaining the basics of mindfulness as a universal tool to enhance your ability to integrate the 12 steps into all aspects of your life. The retreat will be facilitated John Bruna and Peter Kuhn.
John Bruna enjoys 32 years of recovery, is a counselor, educator, spiritual teacher, and former Buddhist monk. Currently he is the director of the Way of Compassion Foundation and the co-founder of the Mindful Life Program. John leads workshops and retreats throughout the USA and Canada.
Peter Kuhn enjoys 31 years of recovery, is active in 12 step service, and regularly facilitates meditation groups at Donovan State Prison. He also facilitates a monthly 12 Step Zen Group in San Diego and is ordained by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Dates: Thursday, June 1st (check-in from 3:00 pm to 6:00pm) Dinner @6:15pm and ends Sunday, June 4th (after lunch at 12:00 noon)
Location: Mercy Retreat Center, 535 Sacramento Street, Auburn, CA 95603 ▪ 530-887-2019.
Cost: $225 to the Mercy Retreat Center. The price does not include any charge for the facilitators; they offer their services on a free-will donation basis. You will have an opportunity to make a donation at the retreat.
To register, contact the Mercy Retreat Center or download the registration flyer below.